Nice seeing you all Tuesday!
A suggestion regarding the last part of Micky's reminder, and the note of planning the meetings perhaps add a column where the meeting date that the subject will be covered is added so its easier to prepare?
Best, Karin
________________________________ Från: Lindlar, Micky Micky.Lindlar@tib.eu Skickat: den 12 november 2024 11:10 Till: byjhove@lists.openpreservation.org byjhove@lists.openpreservation.org Ämne: [Byjhove] Reminder - 3 hours until next "By JHOVE! Explain Yourself" Meeting
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Hi all,
this is just a quick reminder that our next “By JHOVE! Explain Yourself” Meeting will take place at 14 CET / 1 UTC today. You should find the invite in your calendars.
We will be kicking off our work in breakout groups today.
Thanks for all who have provided suggestions for this in the sign-up sheet at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tpVF8MhfWSJEXc61y9Gu9cO9nLfK3tf6kon-...
Please keep your suggestions and sample file additions coming via the spreadsheet as we will continue to use this to plan our meetings.
Cheers and see you all soon! Georgia, Lotte and Micky