Dear All,

We are pleased to let you know that veraPDF 1.18.2-RC is now available for community testing.

This release includes new PDF/UA-1 (Matterhorn machine) validation, as well as fixes and enhancements of the PDF parser. Learn more in the release notes.

Download veraPDF 1.18.2-RC

Please report any bugs via the veraPDF issue tracker on GitHub or contact us with any feedback or questions.

Internal testing of the release candidate is ongoing and there may be a few small changes before the final production release.


Our thanks go to all contributors, particularly the Dual Lab development team, and the OPF Product Board.

Kind Regards,
Charlotte Armstrong | Project Officer | Open Preservation Foundation
Twitter: @openpreserve | Skype: charlotte.armstrong_7

Please note: I work at OPF on a part-time basis. Please bear with me if I don't get to your email right away.