Dear all, 

The Open Preservation Foundation is pleased to announce that the veraPDF 1.20 has been released following community testing.

veraPDF 1.20 introduces support for PDF/A-4 (ISO 19005-4:2020) including core requirements, Level F (file attachments) and Level E (engineering). It also now supports Java versions from 8 to 16. 

Download veraPDF 1.20

Read the release notes

Our thanks go to all contributors and testers, particularly the Dual Lab development team.

veraPDF is free to download, use and to modify to meet your needs. However, there are ongoing costs to host and maintain it. If you use veraPDF, please consider supporting its development by becoming an OPF member or making a donation.

Learn more

Best wishes,


Charlotte Armstrong | Project Officer | Open Preservation Foundation | Twitter: @openpreserve

Please note: My OPF working days are Thursday and Friday. Please bear with me if I don't reply to your email right away.